More perfect and thorough! 71 kinds of advanced inspection/surgery treatment

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    01. Reservation

    Make an appointment through call, online, or KakaoTalk.

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    02. Smart investigation

    If you fill out a questionnaire on a smartphone in advance before visiting the eye clinic, your stay at clinic may be shorten.

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    03. 1:1 Inspection

    Carry out 10 special inspections and 61 detailed inspections.

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    04. Meet the doctor & Mydriasis inspection

    Through treatment and consultation with your doctor, the best surgical procedure will be determined. After dilating pupil with eye drops, retina is examined.

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    05. 1:1 Consultation

    A professional optometrist will give you a 1:1 report on your test results, method and procedure, and answer for any other questions you may have.

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    01. Vision check

    We accurately measure myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, and hyperopia degree and diagnose the best-corrected vision through automatic refractive power test, positive refraction test, and dominant eye test.

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    02. Corneal examination

    Using 3D corneal CT, topographic, curvature, thickness, and morphology of cornea are analyzed by measuring cells in the innermost part of the cornea and checking the operation status and conditions of disease.

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    03. Retinal inspection

    By examining abnormality in the optic nerve and the central and peripheral areas of the retina, we anticipate the possibility of developing glaucoma and detect diabetes, hypertension and retinal damage early on.

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    04. Keratoconus examination

    With an accurate diagnosis of rear keratoconus and forme frust keratoconus that is easy to miss, we precisely analyze the possibility of postoperative side effect of corneal scarring.

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    05. Glaucoma examination

    By precisely measuring thickness of the optic nerve cell through a high-resolution tomography, glaucoma can be diagnosed early while identifying glaucoma progress through microscopic changes

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    06. Night glow/halo inspection

    It is possible to accurately predict the size of the pupil in the same situation as actual night time, and the possibility of glow/halo after surgery. This is measured to determine a laser irradiation range and so on.

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    07. Dry eye inspection

    Tear secretion is examined to predict an occurrence of dry eye syndrome after surgery.
    When the amount of tear secretion is small, surgery method is decided considering this.

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    08. Cataract screening

    We use ultrasonography to measure the size of eyes needed for lens implantation and cataract surgery.
    It is possible to determine the exact timing of surgery by determining cataract and progression.

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    09. Consultation after examination

    Based on the results measured by a professional optometrist, we decide appropriate procedure for each individual through consultation.

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    01. Preoperative check-up

    On the day of surgery, we double check your eyesight through a secondary scan.

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    02. Guide before surgery

    Read detailed instructions on preoperative preparation, instructions on how to use medicines, and precautions, and fill out a surgery consent form.

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    03. Preoperative Care

    For the last time prior to the surgery, Director thoroughly checks the condition of eyes before surgery.

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    04. Preoperative procedures

    First, You wash your face and we take blood to make eyelashes and self-serum eyedrops.

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    05. Face disinfection

    Pre-operative disinfection generally takes about 30 seconds, but Onnuri Smile Eye Clinic and medical staffs thoroughly proceed disinfect your face. for 5 minutes, the same way as corneal transplant surgery.

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    06. 1Drape

    Instead of reusing common green surgical drapes that are at risk of infection, we seek to create a safer, more hygienic environment by making our own disposable surgical drapes.

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    07. Surgery

    The surgery lasts about 10 minutes.
    Please feel free to follow the instructions of the medical staff.

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    08. Return home

    After you return to home, please make sure you take plenty of time to relax and please remember your next check-up date.